Unless otherwise stated - the USGA Rules of golf will be strictly enforced in all NNTQT events.Tour Events
All tour events must be entered into the website. If an accurate total of all strokes and putts for every hole are not entered into the website - this event did not happen
The office of titleholder bears many repsonsibilities - these are but are not limited to
- Taking care of the title and placing it a place of prominence and visibility in the home
- Being accessible to other tour members for title defences at a minimum of every two weeks if challenged **
- ** Unless member has military orders that supercede the authority of the tour
- *** Having a low WAF is not an excuse - it is prudent that all members carefully monitor their WAF to ensure they are able to properly fullfil the office of Titleholder
In order to capture the title you must have the lowest score of a match where the Titleholder is present.
- In the event of a tie the titleholder will retain the title **
- **If the titleholder does not have the title at the golf course the tie goes to the challenger.
Ballmarker Rankings
In order to capture the ballmarker of a fellow tour member you must beat them outright in a tour event.
- In the event of a tie the previously highest ranked player will capture the highest ranked ball marker
The use of power carts will be permitted for NNTQT events